
Lanternfish ESL

Consonant Digraph
Bingo Card Preview

Consonant Digraph Bingo Vocabulary List:

ball, bath, bell, chick, chin, chip, chop , dish, doll, duck, fish, hill, kick, king, lick, long, math, moth, path, rich, ring, rock, shell, ship, shop, shut, sick, sing, sock, song, tall, tell, that, this, wash, will.

Consonant digraph are combinations of consonants that form a single sound that cannot be segemented such an the NG in ring or the SH in ship.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related Consonant Digraph Resources:

Consonant Digraph Worksheets and Teaching Resources
Consonant Digraph Card Game
Consonant Digraph Phonic Monsters
Consonant Digraph Board Game