
Lanternfish ESL

CVC Words
Bingo Card Preview

CVC Words Bingo Vocabulary List:

bat, cat, map, pan, fan, hat, tap, bed, hen, ten, net, pet, pen, men, fin, pig, lid, kid, lip, pin, win, dog, dot, pot, mop, mom, hot, fog, bug, bus, cub, cup, nut, sun, run

CVC words are words that begin with a consonant, have a short vowel in the middle, and end in consonant. they are words like cat, bus, and mop. They are words that do not have blends or vowel digraphs. They are the first words taught in a course on phonics. They are usually taught after initial sounds have been taught and while teaching short vowels.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related CVC Words Resources:

CVC Words Worksheets and Teaching Resources
CVC Words Phonics Monsters
CVC Words Spelling Worksheets
CVC Words Card Game
CVC Words Say and Spell It Board Game