
Lanternfish ESL

R-Controlled Vowels
Bingo Card Preview

R-Controlled Vowels Bingo Vocabulary List:

arm, art, barn, bird, burn, car, card, chirp, corn, dark, dirt, farm, fern, first, fork, fort, fur, girl, her, herd, horn, hurt, jar, north, parkm port, shark, shirt, short, skirt, star, storm, surf, third, thorn, turn

R-controlled vowels are vowels that are altered by the R that follows them. They can be found in words like north, star, bird, and herd.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related R-Controlled Vowels Resources:

R-Controlled Vowels Worksheets and Teaching Resources
R-Controlled Vowels Spelling Worksheets
R-Controlled Vowels Card Game
R-Controlled Vowels Say and Spell It Board Game