Most Popular ESL Resources:

TEFL Job Board: Find a job teaching ESL in many countries around the world.

Flashcards: Tons of original artwork and interesting flashcards in English, French, and Spanish.

Lesson Plans: Complete lesson plans with many printable worksheets.

Survival Travel English: Role-plays and other activities to help students get by.

Young Learners Worksheets: Many simple pattern practice sheets for young ESL learners.

Worksheets: Crosswords, Word Searches, Phonics, ABCs, Little Letters,

Paragraph Writing: Many paragraph writing resources.

Creative Writing: Story starters to bring out the imagination.

ESL Games such as Grammar Soccer, ESL Bingo, and Hypothetically Speaking.

Graded Reading Materials: A library of graded reading materials for two articles.

Riddles: Activities to get ESL students speaking.

Holiday ESL Activities: Many links to good ESL worksheets for the holidays.