This is a collection of free, printable worksheets for teaching EAL students how to make similes using like or as. There are crosswords, word searches, sentence writing worksheets, and much more!
This collection of worksheets explores similes using 'like' or 'as'.
Version 1 of an 'as' similes worksheet in which students write similes using 'as' and adjectives.
Version 2 of an 'as' similes worksheet in which students write similes using 'as' and adjectives.
Version 3 of an 'as' similes worksheet in which students write similes using 'as' and adjectives.
Cloze activity using adjective similes and 'as.'
A great worksheet that examines how students can make their similes even more expressive by adding to them.
Another great worksheet that examines how students can use words with multiple meanings to create interesting simile where one meaning is used to make a simile for the other meaning: He's as sharp as a razor. (Sharp/pointy is being used as a simile for sharp/smart). Some of the best and most expressive similes follow this pattern.
Yet another great worksheet that examines how students can create humorous similes to mean the opposite of what they say by using contrast as in the following: It's as clear as mud.
Students fill in the blanks with animals that are commonly used in similes such as bee, bat, mouse as in 'busy as a bee', 'blind as a bat', or 'quiet as a mouse'.
A crossword with a lot of the very common similes in English.
This three-liner comes from the basic conversations section. Students memorize the conversation and then use the patterns to describe some aliens.
Students describe animals and objects on an alien world using 'like' constructions.
Students play the game 'Chinese whispers' to see which team can relay a description of an alien back to the teacher first. There are four aliens to be described by four teams. Teachers should post one or two copies at the front of the class and then stand at the back of the class with another copy to keep track of students' progress.
A collection of worksheets for teaching antonyms to ESL students.
A collection of worksheets for teaching synonyms to ESL students.
A collection of worksheets for teaching hyperbole to ESL students.