
Lanternfish ESL

Beginner Listening Dialogue
(Audio File + Handouts)

Workplace English Dialogue: The Job Offer

Language reviewed in this dialogue (audio file) includes apply for a position, offer someone a job, and begin training.

Beginner Listening
Intermediate Listening
Advanced Listening

Workplace Dialogue 15:
The Job Offer

A: Hi. Is this Mathew?

B: It is. Who’s speaking?

A: Hi, Mathew. This is Olivia Martinez from Fresh Foods. You applied for a position with us last week. Well, we’d like to offer you the job.

B: Great! When can I start?

A: We’d like you to come in next Tuesday at 9:00 AM to begin training.

B: Okay, I’ll see you then.

Audio File plus Handouts

Listening Handout
(PDF Version)

Listening Handout
(MS Doc Version)

Related Resources:

Health and Sickness Worksheets

Workplace English