
Lanternfish ESL

Intermediate Listening Dialogue
(Audio File + Handouts)

The Snowfall

Language reviewed in this dialogue (audio file) includes snowed last night, head to the park, and go sledding.

Beginner Listening
Intermediate Listening
Advanced Listening

The Snowfall

Erin: Dad! Get up.
Dad: Huh? What is it? Is something happening?
Erin: It snowed last night. Open your curtains.
Dad: So it did. It’s beautiful. There must be a foot of snow out there.
Erin: And it’s still coming down. Let’s get the sleds out of the garage and head to the park.
Dad: It’s still dark out. What time is it? It’s not even 7 o’ clock.
Erin: Yeah. We can get there before everybody else.
Dad: Ugh! I’m not doing anything before I get some coffee.
Erin: Ok. I’ll go make the coffee and you get out of bed.
Dad: All right, all right! Just give me a few minutes to wake up.

Audio File plus Handouts

Listening Handout
(PDF Version)

Listening Handout
(MS Doc Version)

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