
Lanternfish ESL

Sample Food Partitive Flashcard

Amount and Containers: Food Partitive Card Game

Quite often when we talk about foods, we talk about specific amounts of foods. These are called food partitives. This is also helps turn uncountable nouns into countable nouns by quantifying them. This set of flashcards covers the different ways that we quantify foods.These cards also cover about forty different food items.

Some terms covered are:
cup of tea
bottle of ketchup
plate of cookies
handful of peanuts
spoonful of medicine
jar of jam
bucket of chicken
pot of coffee
bowl of soup

You can use the game Fish or memory to practice this game. Fish goes likes this:

A: Do you have a cup of tea?
B: Yes, I do.
(Or No, I don't. Go fish. A takes a card from the deck)
If the answer was yes, B gives the card to A and A gets a point.