Going for a Bite Role-play: Giving Directions to a Restaurant Based on Street Names and Buildings in the Vicinity.
The purpose of these materials is to get the students to practice giving directions to a restaurant based on street names and other buildings in the vicinity: It's on Pine Street next to the post office. This is a fairly simple role-play intended for false beginners (or perhaps even beginners). In short, students will call up their classmates and ask if they want to go for a bite. The student who receives the phone call will suggest a restaurant and give directions on how to get there. This activity also reviews superlative (best, tastiest, hottest) and nationality adjectives (Korean, Italian, Japanese).
Resources to Download
The teacher will need to print off and photocopy four sheets (five if you do the optional activity):
Warmup or Pre-class Activity:
Go over the pair worksheet for directions. This is an optiona activity that highlights giving directions based on street name and buildings close by.
Warmup or Pre-class Activity:
The class is divided into two groups: callers and receivers. Callers get a Partner B Activity Sheet plus a map of the downtown area. Receivers get a Partner A Activity Sheet plus a Restaurant Guide. Callers 'call' the receivers and ask them out to dinner. The receivers suggest a restaurant and give directions on how to get there. Callers record the location on the map and the restaurant details on their activity sheet.

Further Study and Related Resources
Direction by Street and Local Landmark Information GapDirections by Subway Role-play
Directions by Subway Information Gap
Directions by Car or Foot Role-play
Directions by Car or Foot Information Gap