This is a sentence writing activity that teaches the language for describing what happens in winter.
This is a reading packet puzzle that can be used to teach vocabulary and sentence construction for young learners. To see how these reading packets are used visit the reading packet puzzles section.
This word search reviews easy winter activities.
This is a sentence writing worksheet that can be used to review what clothes people wear in winter.
This is an easy word search that can be used to review winter clothes words.
This is a simple reading selection written for young learners describing what happens in wintertime.
This is a simple video that teaches about winter weather and winter activities.
This is a simple video that teaches about winter vocabulary and pronunciation.
A quiz game for reviewing winter weather and winter activities.
This collection of flash cards can be used to teach winter clothes, weather, and activities.
A bingo game for reviewing winter weather and winter activities.
This is a simple song about a snowflake to the tune of I'm a Little Teapot.
A sentence writing worksheet about winter.
A fun winter card game for playing fish or memory.
This worksheet reviews winter words such as icicles and snowflake.
This cloze worksheet reviews winter vocabulary such as frost and snowflake.
Activities and reading selections about making a snowman.