
Lanternfish ESL

Vowel Digraph
Bingo Card Preview

Vowel Digraph Bingo Vocabulary List:

eat, sea, leaf, read, team, beach, peach, teach, jail, mail, rain, sail, tail, wait, chain, train, boat, coat, goal, goat, loaf, road, soap, toad, boo, zoo, boot, food, moon, noon, roof, tooth, bee, feet, meet, need, seed, queen, sheep, teeth

Vowel digraphs are combinations of vowelletters that make a single sound such as the OA in boat, the AI in rain, the EE in bee, the EA in sea and the OO in moon. They are usually taught in a course on phonics after teaching long vowels with bossy E words.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related Vowel Digraph Resources:

Vowel Digraphs and Teaching Activities
Vowel Digraphs Phonics Monsters
Vowel Digraph Card Game
Space Aces Vowel Digraph Game