
Lanternfish ESL

Vowel Digraph
Bingo Card Preview

Vowel Digraph Bingo Vocabulary List:

blew, blow, book, bow, chew, claw, cloud, clown, cook, cow, dew, down, draw, few, foot, glow, grew, grow, hawk, hook, house, look, loud, mouse, new, owl, paw, saw, shout, slow, snow, south, straw, towel, town, and wood

Vowel digraphs are combinations of vowelletters that make a single sound such as the AW in paw, the EW in news, the OW in cow or glow, the ou in cloud and the OO in book.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related Vowel Digraph Resources:

Vowel Digraphs and Teaching Activities
Vowel Digraphs Phonics Monsters
Vowel Digraph Card Game
Space Aces Vowel Digraph Game