
Lanternfish ESL

Sample R-Controlled Vowel Flashcard

R-Controlled Vowel Phonics Card Game

R-controlled vowel are vowels that are followed by an R and consequently are pronounced differently than they would normally be like the AR in car, the OR in storm, the UR in turn, the ER in herd and the IR in bird. These cards can be used to reinforce decoding skills for R-controlled vowel words.

Print two copies of the cards and paste on posterboard to make a deck of cards to play Go Fish, review the vocabulary, or play Memory.

Go Fish:
Students each get 2 or 3 cards dealt to them. Going clockwise students try to match up their cards by asking other students if they have a matching card. Interactions are as follows:

Student A: Do you have bird?
Student B: Yes, I do. (Student B gives card to student A and student A gets a point).


Student A: Do you have art?
Student B: No, I don't. (Student A takes a card from the deck).