
Lanternfish ESL

Consonant Blend
Bingo Card Preview

Consonant Blend Bingo Vocabulary List:

black, block, blow, brick, broom, brush, clap, clock, cloud, crab, crow, crown, dream, drink, drum, flag, flute, fly, fries, frog,fruit, glass, glove, glue, grass, green, grin, plant, plate, plum, train, tree, and truck

Consonant blends are combinations of consonants that, although blended, still form distinct sounds such as the CR in crab or the FL in flower. The consonant blends covered here are the initial consonant blends containing R and L. Other initial consonant blends include words that begin with S, but they are covered in another section.

Bingo Game Card Generators/Downloads

Related Consonant Blend Resources:

Consonant Blend Worksheets and Teaching Resources
Consonant Blends Card Game
Consonant Blends Board Game