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Consonant Blends Words Flashcards and Fish/Memory Game |
Consonant blends are combinations of consonants that occur before or after a vowel such as the CR in crab or the ST in last. Unlike consonant digraphs (SH in ship for example), consonant blends can be segmented into their constiuent sounds (whereas as a digraph is a single unseparable sound). The cards can be used for reviewing initial consonant blends formed by adding an R or an L .
Here is a selection of worksheets available for teaching phonics: Initial Sounds | Final sounds | Select Patterns | Vowel combinations | Phonics Monsters Cards Young Learners | ABC Cards | ABC Mazes | Connect-the-Dots | First Words | Alpha Trains Little Letters | Big Letters | Opposites | Flashcards | Holiday Worksheets
All materials (c) 2009 Lanternfish ESL |