
Lanternfish ESL

A Collection of CVC Words Phonics Worksheets

CVC Words Phonics Worksheets and Teaching Resources

This is a collection of free, printable worksheets for teaching ESL students CVC words.

Phonics Worksheets Home
Initial Consonant Sounds
Final Consonant Sounds
CVC Words
Consonant Digraphs
Long Vowel Bossy E
Vowel Digraphs
Vowel Digraphs 2
R-Controlled Vowels
Consonant Blends

CVC Words Worksheets and Teaching Resources

CVC words are words that follow the pattern consonant-vowel-consonant. These are considered the simplest words and the starting point of many phonics programs (after some work on initial sounds). These words highlight the short vowels such as the a in cat, the e in bed, the i in fin, the o in top, and the u in sub.

CVC Words Large Text Flashcards

These are large text only flashcards with CVC words. I use them mostly for assessment or review.

Dragon Words with Short Vowels

Sets of flashcards with short vowel words and no pictures for an emphasis on decoding. These cards come from the Dragon Words Section.

CVC Word Skills -Begins With

Simple worksheets where students identify the first letter of a word and make a sentence using 'begins with.'

CVC Word Skills -Ends With

Simple worksheets where students identify the last letter of a word and make a sentence using 'ends with.'

Combined CVC Word Skills -Begins with/Ends with/Rhymes with

Simple worksheets where students practise three word skills for CVC words.

CVC Word Searches

Word searches that cover CVC Words with a single short vowel or CVC words with mixed vowels.

Mixed CVC Word Searches

These word searches contain only CVC words with short A,E,I,O,U vowels.