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First Words Tracing SheetsJust click, print, and copy.
These tracing sheets can be used to practice spelling out easy English words. Good for both kids who speak English as a second language and English as a first language.
Other resources that go with these words include: First Verbs, First Colors, First Numbers, First Words Reading Lists, First Word Consonant Digraphs, First Words Long Vowels, Vowel Digraph Words, R-controlled Vowels Spelling Worksheets and First Words CVC Words.
Also see: First Christmas Words, First Halloween Words, First Numbers, First Colors, and First Verbs. If you find these teaching resources useful, you might also find the following resources useful: The ABC flashcards: These ABC flashcards were made from clay. They can be used to teach capital letters. Little Letters Tracing Sheets: Learn the little letters with simple tracing sheets. The Phonics Worksheets: Worksheets for teaching phonics. The Alphabet Mazes: 5 mazes to teach capital and small letters. The Young Learner Worksheets: Simple sentences patterns and vocabulary worksheets. The Alphabet Trains: Practice initial sounds of words. Connect the Dots: More ABC worksheets. Initial Sounds Worksheets: Plenty of worksheets covering the initial sounds of words. Vowel Combination Phonics Worksheets: Worksheets that highlight vowel combination patterns such as 'ai', 'oa', 'ay', and 'ow'. All materials (c) 2007 Lanternfish ESL |