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Adult ESL Worksheets and Activties
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The Odd One Out Game: Students look at a list of four items and decide which is different. They must give a reason. Everybody holds their answer up at the same time. If their reason is unique they get a point. Example: Eagle, Owl, Bat, Penguin. Penguins can't fly. Bats are mammals. Bats have teeth. Bats have poor eyesight. Penguins can swim. Peguins only live in the Southern Hemisphere.
Remember they only need to give a unique reason to get a point. If two students or two teams give the same reason, they cancel each other out and don't get a point.
Dislikes: Simple worksheet highlighting useful language for discussing dislikes.
Classroom English: Highlights the essential language for getting information when you don't understand something. Great first class. Comes with cards as well.
For and Against: A simple worksheet for practising expressing opinions. A list of issues are given and students decide whether they are for it or against it in groups.
Chores, Errands, and Favors: Students discuss what chores they do and what errands they run
ESL Surveys: This section contains several sets of survey questions. Students walk around the room and survey each other.
Love and Relationships: A collection of worksheets and activities for teaching vocabulary used to describe relationships.
Asking Permission: Simple card activity where students practice using "Is it OK...?" or " Do you mind . .?" We have a lot in common: An ice-breaker. Students try to find out what they have in common.
Find Someone Who: Another ice-breaker with 3 sheets to avoid too much repetition. Emphasis is on the past tense.
How Life Has Changed in Fifty Years: A discussion generator with lots of comparatives. Students work in groups and then present their results to the class.
At the Movies: A simple worksheet illustrating the language used to talk about movies.
At the Movies II: A continuation of the above. Students make riddle cards and ask each other movie riddles. Solutions to Problems: (new) Students become the managers of a hotel that has many problems. They have to discuss problems, solutions, agreement, and disagreement.