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Imagine you were a dragon . . .
Suppose you were the president . . .
What if you lived next door to a troll . . .
Say you won a million dollars . . .
If you saw a ghost . . .
Situation Cards:
Guess Cards:
Hypothetically Speaking
Hypothetically Speaking is a card game designed to teach ESL students how and when to speak hypothetically. A students asks a hypothetical question and tries to guess how the other student will answer. If the student who asked the question, guesses the correct answer, that student can get rid of a card. If a student gets rid of all his or her cards, the student wins the game. The game play is similar to the game Scruples.
First print a set of all the question and answer cards for every group of 3-5 students in the class and paste them onto cardboard. Then cut them out and laminate them if possible. The first time you play this game you may want to print off the hypothetical speech worksheet to give to your student as a pre-activity warm up.
Rules and How to Play
Students break up into groups of between 3 and 5. Each group of students gets one set of cards. Deal five Situation Cards to each students. Decide who goes first. A student picks a Guess Card with an A, B, or C on it. The student then chooses one of his or her Situation Cards and asks another student that question. If the other student answers the same as what is on the Guess Card then the student who asked the question can discard their situation card. If the other student answers differently, the student who asked the question must discard their situation card AND pick up a new situation card. The student who gets rid of all their cards first is the winner.
It is S1's turn. S1 picks a guess card and 'B' is written on the guess card. S1 chooses one of her situation cards and asks another students (say S3) the question:
Imagine you saw a ghost. What would you do? (a) Run away.
(b) Say hello.
(c) Scream
If S3 answers, 'I would say hello', then S1 discards that situation card.
If S3 answers, "I would run away,' then S1 discards that situation card and picks up another so that S1's total situation cards remains the same.
Note on use: I have had great success with this game with middle school students and have even played it with advanced elementary school students.
I have provided a blank template to make your own cards. If you would like to post some more cards for the community to use, please send a copy to gunnchris@bogglesworldesl.com. I would also love to post a version of this game for adults. So if enough teachers send in cards, I will gather them into a collection and post them. All materials on this web site are copyright (c) 2000-2003 Lanternfish ESL. You may not redistribute them in any form, electronically or otherwise |