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Introducing Your Business?

A Business English Role-play by Chris Gunn






Introducing Your Business Activity Sheet


Business Profiles



Introducing Your Business: An ESL Role-play.



Purpose and Audience:


The purpose of these materials is to give business students practice introducing their business/profession including what they do, what their specialty is, where they are based, and where they have offices. 




After your introduction, write the names of a few well-known local corporations on the board and ask the students to tell you about them. If the information is minimal, ask them what the company specializes in and where they are based. Then introduce phrases such as 'specialize in', 'based out of'', and 'have offices in'. Depending on your students' abilities and your time you can introduce other phrases such as 'listed on the NYSE', 'employs 30 people', etc.



Class Set-up and Activity:


Set up the class like 'airplane seating' with two rows of chairs side by side. Give everybody an activity sheet and a business profile. Give the students time to read the business profiles and the dialogue in the activity sheet. The vocabulary in the profiles can be difficult so make sure they understand it. You can deal with questions individually or answer them on the board for everybody to see (for example, What is a purchasing agent?). Now model the dialogue with one student by putting the student in a chair and then asking if the next chair is empty.


In the role-play, half the students are sitting down with an empty chair beside them. The other half of the students approach the sitting students and ask if the chairs are taken, then sit down and introduce their business. Then the students who were sitting down introduce their business in return. Both groups of students record their partners' details on the activity sheet. After the exchange of information has been made, one student gets up and finds a new seat and continues the role-play.


If you don't like the business profiles I've made, you can make your own (and send them to me so I can post them as alternatives!). The best success I had was when I used real business profiles of corporations from around the world.




 All materials (c) 2007 Lanternfish ESL