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Young Learners Unit: Where and Doing What
This section covers combining present continuous with prepositions of place to form sentences such as: She is brushing her teeth in the bathroom. The unit can be preceded by the present continuous and rooms in a house units.
Flash Card Set: Where are they? What are they doing? These flashcards combine actions with locations around a house.
Worksheet 1: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 2: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 3: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 4: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 5: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 6: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 7: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 8: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Worksheet 9: Where are they? What are they doing? This is a sentence writing activity that teaches combining present continuous with prepositions of place.
Activity 1: What Are They Doing? This is a reading packet puzzle that can be used to teach present continuous. To see how these reading packets are used visit the reading packet puzzles section.
Reading Selection 1:Family at Home This is a simple reading selection written for young learners describing a family at home doing different activities in different rooms.