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Parts of a Story/Book
These resources are meant for teaching the parts of a book or story such as title, setting, characters, plot, climax, resolution, literary devices, and criticism. The resources are intended for elementary or possibly middle school students, both regular and ESL. Book Reports: A collection of book report and chapter summary templates. These templates also include sample book reports and sample chapter summaries.
The Setting: The setting of a story is when the story takes place and where the story takes place. These worksheets can be used to discuss setting as a part of a story.
Character: The characters in a story are the people or animals in the story. These worksheets look at language used to discuss characters in a story..
Literary Devices/Figures of Speech: These collections of worksheets can be used to demonstrate some of the literary devices used to make stories more colorful and exciting.
Similes Metaphors Alliteration Rhyme Exaggeration
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