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Describing a Picture:Sentence Writing for Young Learners by Chris Gunn
This section contains around 100 writing resources for young learners. Though simple and repetitive, these resources are effective for getting learners to make sentence length constructions. I usually have my young learners do one or two a week. In the beginning, I usually do these as a teacher guided activity in class, but, later, as they get more practice, I usually just send them home as homework. The activity is simple: students look at a picture and write any six sentences describing the picture. As an option, teachers can make the first sentence a main caption, which reinforces the concepts of finding main ideas. At first, it may seem like there is not a lot to write about, but here is where the teacher can be a guide in the beginning. There are many things you can describe in each picture: (1) Describe what they are doing. He's riding a dinosaur. (2) Describe what they are wearing. She's wearing a ribbon. (3) Describe what they are holding. He's holding a bat. (4) Describe what there is and how many there are. There is an elephant. There are two birds. (5) Describe where they are. There are at the beach. (6) Give an opinion. Her dress is pretty. It looks like fun. (7) Describe where things are in relation to each other. The bear is next to a tree. (8) Describe shapes and colors. The wheel is round. His hat is red.
(9) Describe what the weather is like. It's a sunny day. (10) Make predictions. They are going to take a trip. (11) Describe emotions. He is scared. She is happy.
There is also a describing and captioning a picture resource section for older learners.
A Gondola
All materials (c) 2013 Lanternfish ESL |