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Say and Spell Consonant Digraph Board Game



Consonant digraphs are combinations of letters that make a single sound (like in the words ship, ring, and chop). This game lets teachers review spelling for words with consonant digraphs. The game should be self explanatory just be looking at the board. At any rate, teachers can decide the mechanics of each board square.

Game Board*

Game Cards


In this game kids role the dice and land on pictures of words that have consonant digraphs. They have to say the word then spell it or go back. All of the words come from the consonant digraph card game: ball, duck, shell, king, sock, bell, wall, check, chip, sick, bang, ring, doll, bath, dish, fish, fang, chop, chat, tall, chin, wing, math, rich, sing, chick, hill, rock, moth, lick, and shop.


There are also 'word skill' card squares that emphasize word skills such as rhyme, beginning sounds, and ending sounds. When students land on these squares they have to answer a question or go back.


Finally, there are instruction squares where students have to follow the instructions written in the squares. The first one to the finish is the winner.


*Note: I usually have to print the board at 97% to fit it onto A4 paper. You should be able to do this if you hit options and paper layout when you print. Also, some teachers don't like the Free Candy square. If this is the case, just cut and paste one of the Word Skills squares into the spots occupied by Free Candy.








Picture of phonics game board.



Other Consonant Digraph

Word Resources:

Consonant Digraphs Activities


Consonant Digraph Bingo


Consonant Digraph Words



Here is a selection of worksheets available for teaching phonics:

Initial Sounds | Final sounds | Select Patterns | Vowel combinations | Phonics Monsters Cards

Young Learners | ABC Cards | ABC Mazes | Connect-the-Dots | First Words | Alpha Trains

Little Letters | Big Letters | Opposites | Flashcards | Holiday Worksheets





All materials  (c) 2009 Lanternfish ESL