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Film Festival: An ESL Lesson Plan to Get Students Talking About Movies
Lesson Plan: This lesson is divided into two hours. The first lesson explores some basic language used to describe movies and the second lesson provides practice and more in-depth exploration. The first part is an old activity that I've used with a great deal of success for years and the second part is a role-play that I made recently and is still being tested out. |
Hour One
Language for Talking About Film
Hour Two
Extra Movie Activities:
Crossword: Reviews movie vocabulary.
Movie Cloze: Reviews movie vocabulary.
Movie Word Search: Reviews movie vocabulary.
Movie Survey Activity: Good walk and talk exercise.
Movie Synopsis Reading Activity: Students read movie synopses and try to guess the movie. It can also be used as a listening activity.
Movie Synopsis Information Gap: Students relay information about movie contents and show times.
Actors and Characters Pattern Worksheet
Children's Animation Reading Activity
Related: The Parts of a Book Section also covers the themes of plot, setting, character, and title.
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