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Adult ESL Worksheets
Adult ESL1 | Adult ESL2 | Adult ESL3 | Adult ESL4 | Adult ESL5 | Click on the above links for more materials for adult ESL classes
Passives I: Students construct passive sentences. Includes: be written by, be painted by, be invented by, be discovered by. Passive Quiz I: This worksheet is for the teacher only. The teacher makes a Jeopardy style quiz board. Students choose a topic and hear a question. Their answer has to be a perfect passive sentence. It is a good way to review the topics covered in Passives 1. Passives II: Students construct passive sentences. Includes: be grown in/by, be manufactured in/by, be built in/by, be made from, be used for. Passive Quiz II: This worksheet is for the teacher only. The teacher makes a Jeopardy style quiz board. Students choose a topic and hear a question. Their answer has to be a perfect passive sentence. It is a good way to review the topics covered in Passives 2. Stop Bugging Me: In this activity, students role play situations where one person is bothering another person. 'Do you mind' and 'Could you please.' The activity comes with situations.
Right-Brained or Left Brained: Students answer a questionnaire to determine whether they are right-brained or left-brained. The questions were taken from a psychological test and rewritten so as to be comprehensible to lower-intermediate students. I tried to be faithful to the original questions, but because the questions have been modified, the results have no scientific validity whatsoever. It's still fun to do, however. Introvert and Extrovert: Students look at a list of behaviors and then classify them into introvert behavior or extrovert behavior. They then determine whether they or their parents are introverts or extroverts. Tendencies: Students explore the language used to express their tendencies. A simple worksheet. How Do You Express Yourself?: Students discuss how they express themselves when they are feeling various emotions. Telephone English: Students are given three mixed-up telephone calls and asked to rearrange them. These resources were created by Chris Gunn |