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Dolch Pre-primer | Dolch Primer | Dolch Grade One | Dolch Grade Two | Dolch Grade Three Flashcards | Assessment | Dolch Games | Word Searches | Word Finds | Lists | Posters Dolch Sight Words Classroom Posters |
Before you can hang these posters, they need to be printed, cut out and glued onto poster board. Each poster is divided into four sections, making them easy to print with standard letter paper. The posters contain the words from the Dolch word list of the most freuqently found words in children's literature. They are large color files in MS Word format. Be patient. Frog, Mouse, and Eagle: This poster contains the Dolch primer words superimposed over an image of a frog, a mouse, and an eagle flying upwards. Read and Wish: This poster contains the Dolch second grade words superimposed over a medieval scene of a hunt.
Here is a selection of worksheets available for young learners:
Young Learners | ABC Cards | ABC Mazes | Connect-the-Dots | First Words | Alpha Trains Little Letters | Big Letters | Opposites | Bingo | Flashcards | Holiday Worksheets
All materials (c) 2007 Lanternfish Language Arts |